Process refractometer to detect emulsion concentration and control

Emulsion is a semi-synthetic metalworking fluid with high performance, commonly found in aluminum metal processing and other alloy processing technology, emulsion can be used repeatedly with good performance, not affected by the oil leakage in the process, it is best to use soft water for mixing.

Emulsion is often used by workers to solve various problems in aluminum metal processing, such as bonding during cutting operations, wear of cutting tools, poor surface accuracy of machining workpieces, unclean surface treatment, it can be applied to all operations including twisting holes, emulsion can also effectively prevent the processing of workpieces from rusting or chemical corrosion, but also effectively prevent bacterial erosion infection.

Now many machine tools, mining emulsion ratio equipment still can not achieve real-time measurement and control of emulsion concentration, can only be timed to manual detection, if the on-site workers can not perform the timing test well, the reasonable concentration of emulsion can not be guaranteed, specifically manifested in:

1. The accuracy of manual detection of emulsion concentration cannot be guaranteed;

2. Manual detection of emulsion concentration is completely maintained by the system;

3. Managers cannot obtain continuous emulsion concentration data, relying entirely on reporting and self-inspection.

The concentration of emulsion is too high and the foam is high, the cost is also high, the skin is irritated, and the cooling is poor; If the concentration of emulsion is too low, the rust resistance, bacteriological inhibition ability and lubricity are all poor. The concentration in the ratio of gold emulsion is affected by many factors, including water pressure, water quality, temperature, flow rate, and accuracy of the proportioning device. Most of the existing emulsion preparations are observed by sampling with a photorefractometer, which has low accuracy, low efficiency, and is greatly affected by human factors.

CYR-C-350 emulsion concentration online analyzer is an emitting light source principle to detect the refractive index of the solution, the detection surface is a sapphire prism, can detect the concentration of emulsion online in real time, standard detection prism automatic cleaning function, the analyzer has a built-in switching signal output, which can be used to control the switch of the replenishment valve to automatically control the concentration of the solution, the equipment integrates real-time detection, timely data transmission and return check, 2-3 seconds can be out of the test results, not affected by solution turbulence and bubbles and other factors, for machine tool cutting operations, Process control such as mining operations and textile processing lubrication operations plays a more efficient, intelligent and safer role.

Main parameters:

Measuring range: 0.0 – 35.0%

Resolution: 0.01% signal output 4-20mA/RS485

Measurement accuracy: ± 0.1% Temperature compensation: 5-70°C

Input power: 24V DC protection level display part: IP65

Process pressure: < 1 MPa Wetted material: 316L Optional Hastelloy C-276, 2205

Post time: Aug-10-2022